We ask the right questions and understand your needs and your lifestyle. All the factors that determine the best coverage and the right premium. Be certain that your policy is rated for the type of use and occupancy of the dwelling. If it really is your primary dwelling and you don't rent it out, you will have the lowest rated premiums. If or when those facts change, you are not saving money by not updating to the properly rated coverage. You are jeopardizing all of your coverage. Note this exclusion in one homeowner's policy if the dwelling usage facts change:
“12. Change in Occupancy or Usage of “Residence Premises.”
If we have not been notified by you within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership, title, and use or owner occupancy of the “residence premises,” including:
a. The rental of the “residence premises”;
b. Vacancy or abandonment of the “residence premises”;
c. The use of the “residence premises” for any purpose other than a residential unit;
Any loss occurring from the 61st day after such change to the date proper notice is given will be excluded
from coverage. If this occurs, premium would be refunded for the period during which the
coverage is suspended.”
An agent that does not properly rate your policy or guesses at the important occupancy facts, could leave you without valuable coverage. Don't take a chance. Be certain you have a proposal and dialog
about the important coverages and exclusions.